This month we thought we would be previewing washer extractors that would be on show at Texcare International 2020 but with the event being pushed to the back end of the year due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we turned our attention to barrier washers.
According to the Sanish manufacturer, the build characteristics and design of its Girbau’s BW range of barrier washers ensure an excellent hygienic washing process by executing the programmed parameters such as time, temperature and dosing of chemical products precisely. In addition to this precision, the thorough beating of the blades generates a mechanical action which ensures that the maximum amount of dirt is removed. Handling of the linen is reduced to a minimum. The impossibility of opening both doors at the same time prevents any contact between dirty and clean linen, and therefore any possibility of contamination.
To aid in classifying the batches of clothes and expedite unloading, BW380, BW450 and BW630 washing machines have the option of one or two compartments, and BW840, BW1200 and BW1400 washing machines of two or three compartments and BW1700, BW2000 and BW2300 has thee compartments. A safety system prevents the doors from being opened while the washing process is running. All BW washing machines have 4 or 5 compartments for chemical products and can accept liquid product dosing.
Seen at Clean last year in New Orleans, Milnor’s MWB small barrier washer in its range 58lb – 185lb (26- 84kg) says managing director Thierry Lambermont is high quality and affordable. “It was developed for the European market but has attracted interest on the stand from US operators. If you underload the machine it automatically adjusts water and chemicals automatically.” The machines are equipped with a frequency-controlled drive motor and the freely programmable MilTouch control.
The latest range of Domus barrier washers feature the 7inch screen Touch II control, with 29 pre-set programs. Offering capacities of 27, 35, 50 and 70kg, the range has standard features like the electric brake, screen on both sides of the machine and a model with dual heating (electric-steam). Traceability records ensure that all washing processes information (temperatures, water levels) is stored in the washer and can be extracted to a PC by means of a USB drive.
All Domus washer-extractors, both front loaders and barrier washers, are equipped with the Touch programmer, which offers the option of an automatic weighing system and ‘Optimal Loading’ as standard, to adjust the water and chemicals consumption to the quantity of linen being washed.
Lapauw’s Mediwave range of barrier washers has GRP covers, instead of stainless steel which, according to the company, means the Mediwave is the cleanest, most hygienic machine on the market. The redesigned drum access and intuitive control system makes the Mediwave, according to Lapauw, the most ergonomic washer on the market. The machine is designed to be used in conjunction with the Medistream dryer which Lapauw presents as the first 100% cleanroom dryer in the industry. Lapauw developed, the Mediwave washer-extractor and the Medistream cleanroom dryer as a dedicated cleanroom line in partnership with BeMicron.
Slovenian manufacturer Krebe Tippo has built an enviable reputation as a barrier washer specialist and is well known for its robust and enduring products. “Customers are looking for alternatives to the existing major players and products,” says Anja Uranjeka, Krebe Tippo’s marketing manager who adds that as a small company, Krebe Tippo is able to be flexible which gives an advantage over larger manufacturers. “It means we can offer special options to add to the basic machines such as a water recycling system and management software, for example,” she says.
Krebe Tipo has produced new Smart 516 controllers – 516 Avan for front loaders and its smallest barrier washer models, and 526 Touch, an advanced option that enables all connections between the washer/extractor and other smart laundry equipment using RFID technology, smart phones, tablets and even watches.
The University Hospital laundry at Trenčin, Slovakia is run on a contract by CDS laundry spol s.r.o. Bratislava, and now has a new 600m2 laundry built in the space of the old unit which services linen requirements for 820 beds as well as staff uniforms and workwear, mops and babies’ nappies from the children’s medical department. The laundry, which deals with around 1,500kg a day, now boasts three 84kg capacity, PCH-841 Krebe Tippo barrier washing machines as specified by distributor ProBe.
Belgian manufacturer Unica, meanwhile, has six models in its Medicare range from the 47kg, 2 pocket tilting 35 rpm wash speed/800 rpm extraction model through to the 300kg, 3 pocket tilting version with 22 rpm wash speed/560 rpm extraction. Jensens JBW range is available in loads from 16 to 230 kg (35 to 510 lbs). The Jensen barrier washer extractors can meet individual requirements. Volumes can be easily adapted when the business grows. The JBW range can process volumes of 16kg (35Ilb) to 230kg (510lb).
All machines are designed to offer the highest quality of washing with minimum water, energy and chemical consumption. Thanks to the design having minimal space between the outer and inner drum, the amount of free water is remarkably low. This allows for a rapid temperature rise of the water, while keeping the water, energy, and chemical consumption very low. The option of an automatic weighing system optimises loading and enables the automatic adjustment of water and liquid chemical consumption according to the weight. The processing costs can be reduced by up to 50%, says Jensen.
Addititonal reduction in consumption is possible with the water recycling system.
The EDRO barrier type PassThru for clean rooms (DWPT_SM) washer-extractor has Edro’s ‘Clean Seal’ system to provide a physical barrier and positive air flow between the clean and soiled operating sides. Its standard DynOzone Ozone System produces a safe, disinfected, and sanitised air stream which is injected into the wash wheel to improve wash quality. The machines also feature EDRO’s state-of- the-art DynaTrol HMi Touch Screen Control. The range is available in 200 lb (91 kg) and 400 lb (182 kg) pound models.