New research commissioned by Procter & Gamble Professional released this month reveals the surprising weight consumers place on cleanliness when dining out, or staying in a hotel. The study shows how overlooked hygiene could be damaging the bottom line for businesses across the country as nearly a quarter of customers will leave an establishment if it was less than spotless.

The report into hospitality experiences commissioned by P&G Professional, the away-from-home division of Procter & Gamble (P&G), shows hotels and restaurants could increase revenue if they improved their hygiene standards.

A staggering 91% of the 2,000 customers questioned agree cleanliness is the mark of a good food or hospitality business.

Top turn offs noticed by customers immediately when entering a hotel or restaurant:

1.     Unpleasant or bad odour (56%)

2.     Dirty or sticky floors or carpets (27%)

3.     Stained, spotty or dirty dishes, glassware or cutlery (27%)

While cleanliness is often relegated on the list of cash boosting priorities the P&G Professional Research, carried out by OnePoll, stresses that it should not be overlooked as it helps create a critical positive experience.

First impressions are key to encouraging repeat business and it’s not surprising that the top three elements people first notice in a hospitality establishment relate to hygiene.

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