HM Treasurer Philip Hammond’s Autumn statement contained nothing groundbreaking for the textile care industry as Philip Wright, CEO of the TextileServices Association (TSA), sums up.
"There was nothing unexpected. Certainly continuing the freeze on fuel duty was important and considering inflation being fuelled by the exchange rate any increase would have compounded matters,” he said.
“While the increase in the National Living Wage was not unexpected, it is important the Government recognises this will add to inflationary pressures, along with the exchange rate. Of course we all support the concept of the national living wage (NLW), but public service customers, such as the NHS, should recognise they will need to address this in the NHS budgets handed down from the Department of Health."
Summing up, Wright commented: “Finally, as we move towards Brexit, Government needs to recognise that mobility of workers applies at all levels. There are many eastern European workers in our members' companies that play an essential role in UK textile services.”