The owner of a drycleaning business in Royston, Hertfordshire, was found guilty of operating a drycleaning machine without an appropriate permit at Stevenage Magistrates Court on 1 September.

Environmental health officers from North Hertfordshire District Council (NHDC) made the discovery during an unannounced visit to DHS Dry Cleaners in October last year.

The operator, Mohammad Amjad Ali, 48, from Royston had pleaded not guilty to operating a solvent emission activity without a permit.

He was summonsed to appear at Stevenage Magistrates’ Court after ignoring repeated warnings from the council that drycleaning machines are required to be regulated through an environmental permit. Machines must be inspected and have risk assessments carried out, to ensure they are safe and comply with environmental legislation.

Magistrates imposed a fine of £1,250.00, ordered Amjad Ali to pay costs of £3,061.52 and a victim surcharge of £120.00. The total liability was £4,431.52.