The event takes place at the Marriott Hotel Edinburgh on 27 September. Those wishing to attend should pre-register by e-mailing Murray Simpson at TSA.
The forum follows on from the Linen Room Lockdown poster campaign organised by TSA, the Institute of Hospitality, UK Housekeepers Association and Crimestoppers, which to date has sent out over 5,000 posters to hotels and hospitality companies.
The event is intended tohelp kick-start the next stage by forming further partnerships to identify tangible actions to combat “this industry scourge”. Simpson says that linen theft and stock abuse together cost the textile care industry an estimated £20million per year.
Representatives from Lothian and Borders Police will discuss Edinburgh hotels’ initiative to share information with the aim of substantially reducing hotel crime.
The Scottish Business Crime Centre will explain where the profits from linen crime go.
Housekeepers from some of the country’s leading properties will also attend and discuss how to work in partnership to fight linen crime.
Murray Simpson will then chair an open discussion.