The Bönnigheim-based institute says that its method allows microbiological water quality of process water in industrial laundries to be checked directly on site.
The test conforms to RABC systems (Risk Analysis Biocontamination Control) based on EN14065, which requires the continuous monitoring and documentation of the hygiene status and also relates to hygiene at all processing stages.
It recognises that linen that is clean and has gone through a disinfection process can still become contaminated in the rinse or during extraction.
Regular tests to check the microbiological quality of the process water are usually carried out by external specialised laboratories but these are costly and time consuming.
The Hohenstein test, which is based on the detection of antibodies, has been specifically designed to identify bacteria in press water and can be carried out using a simple colour reaction.
The institute says that the detection method was designed as part of a research project and has been extensively tested in practical situations at selected laundries. The results of the test correlate with conventional bacterial analyses as carried out in specialised laboratories.
It adds that its detection method will reduce costs as laundry staff can carry out tests without the need for additional equipment and that the results will be obtained in just a few hours.