The association told MPs that it was pleased that all parties recognised the importance of reviving UK manufacturing in their campaigns for the recent General Election.

UKFT pointed out that the fashion and textile sector needs and deserves the support of all MPs to preserve existing jobs.

It added that that the sector employs least 141,000 workers and that their “often overlooked efforts form essential links in the chain of creativity that brings world-class fashion and textile products into our lives.”

The letter stressed the UK’s global reputation as a source of excellent quality fashion and textile goods – some £6.5 billion worth of exports (at wholesale prices) are produced domestically.

The UKFT said that its members’ main concerns include: no increase in the national minimum wage in October 2011; no EU/UK legislation in origin labelling; no reduction in the Climate Change Levy discount and a realistic approach to targets in next round; no extension of VAT to children’s clothing; more funding for Sector Skills Councils/Academies and support for manufacturing in the form of targeted grants and better access to finance and to credit insurance.