Over $4 million will be available to the drycleaning equipment Replacement Reimbursement Programme, which starts in January 2010 and is scheduled to run until the end of 2013.
The reimbursements are based on the age and type of machine and its cleaning capacity. Perc machines purchased since 1996 qualify for the programme. However it does not apply either to machines that are over 15 years old. Applications in respect of upgrades made before 2010 will be considered but they may not necessarily be accepted.
Machines that do qualify must be replaced either with a fourth generation perc system or a machine that uses an alternative solvent system. Cleaners that replace a perc machine with a wetcleaning system will receive a grant of $15,000 in addition to the reimbursement payment.
Cleaners in co-residential locations that remove a perc system will also qualify for a payment even if they do not install new equipment. If they want to continue operating they must either switch to wetcleaning or an alternative non-perc solvent.