Chris Shepherd, LCN’s advertisement manager, and Murray Simpson, Master of the Worshipful Company of Launderers and CEO of the TSA proved a successful double act at the meeting on 28 September.

Shepherd, made a witty chairman and kept proceedings in order with his gavel. In a brief introduction, he described Simpson as a man who was passionate about the laundry industry, could speak well without notes and be humourous or serious as the occasion demanded.

Simpson told his audience that 15 June 2009 had been the proudest day in his career, when he became 50th Master of the Worshipful Company of Launderers and would lead it into his jubilee year. He paid tribute to Arthur Kennedy, a guest at the lunch, for his role in founding the Worshipful company. Simpson described the celebrations that would mark the Jubilee on 23 February 2010. This will be a truly grand event. But he told the audience: “I do not want my year to be just about a dinner. The year will be a celebration of the laundry industry.”