No cleaner should underestimate the frustration and irritation customers will experience when they find that they cannot wear their garment because the zip is stuck or the zip splits when they attempt to close or open it.

Always remember that irrespective of how clean and well finished a garment may be, it is totally useless if the zip is stuck.

To avoid unnecessary customer frustration, all zip fasteners should be tested during final inspection and if necessary lubricant applied.

Excellent specialist products are available, the most popular being aerosol sprays. These should be applied sparingly to the back of the zip. Care is needed to avoid applying too much lubricant as this can leave a dark area alongside the fastener. Particular care will be required in the case of lightweight delicate fabrics.

Alternatively the spray can be applied to a soft cloth which can then be wiped along the edge of the zip.

It is a good idea to practice with the aerosol spray on an old stock item.

If too much spray is inadvertently applied, it can always be removed by re-cleaning the garment.