The contract, awarded by United Bristol Healthcare Trust (UBHT), came under fire from hospital staff concerned by the fact that Sunlight was transporting laundry at least four times a day to its factory at Rubery, near Birmingham, almost 80 miles away. Critics said all laundry had previously been handled by Healthtex Synergy in Bristol, and claimed the increased journey time meant a greater risk of infection and cross-contamination.

Sunlight’s human resources director Martin Roberts said the concerns were unfounded. “I think it is a very sensible arrangement where work is taken by road to Sunlight’s dedicated healthcare cleaning factory at Rubury, which is 10 minutes from the M5 south of Birmingham, and a relatively easy journey

Handling arrangements go well beyond what the NHS guidelines required, he said, by ensuring that clean laundry was delivered only on one vehicle, and all precautions were taken to avoid any possibility of cross-contamination by mixed dirty clothing.

“The NHS has very strict guidelines – we would not be operating this service unless the trust was 100% satisfied that all criteria are being met.”

A spokesperson for UHBT said bids for the contract were fully evaluated for quality and value for money, and confirmed the trust was satisfied with the standard of laundry service to date.