USA: The Southern Californian Air Quality Management District seems set on phasing out perc, despite prolonged discussions with industry representatives.
The final decision does not seem likely to take place until June or July. But the proposed rule sets forward a staged ruling that would change perc equipment with primary controls to non-perc alternatives by January 1 2014 and all equipment by July 1 2017.
Jon Meijer of the International Fabricare Institute told LCN: “A perc phase out is a real possibility. According to the latest information, drycleaners with perc machines installed before 1989 will have to replace them with a new fourth or fifth generation machine within two years. All other cleaners can keep time going but no longer than 15 years.” He added there may be some hope as SCAQMD is realising that if cleaners went to petroleum they would have another potential problem, namely smog.
IFI has continues to lobby SCAQMD to forgo a ban and allow late generation machines to operate in the district.